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بنت ستايل تـــــــــرحــــب بـــــكم

    برنامج غلق اي برنامج او فولدر بباس ورد علي جهازك بورتبول


    عدد المساهمات : 1020
    تاريخ التسجيل : 21/02/2012

    برنامج غلق اي برنامج او فولدر بباس ورد علي جهازك بورتبول Empty برنامج غلق اي برنامج او فولدر بباس ورد علي جهازك بورتبول

    مُساهمة من طرف Admin الأربعاء مارس 07, 2012 6:36 pm

    Here are some key features of "WinGuard Pro 2011":

    • Built-in programs: There are around 15 common programs built-in for locking

    • Lock Programs, Applications, EXE Files with a Password

    • Encrypt Files, Folders and Entire Drives

    • Lock Windows at Boot and the Boot Keys (F8)

    • Password Protect Windows Explorer

    • Password Protect your Web Browser, inc. Internet Explorer and FireFox etc

    • Disable Software Installation and Downloads to Help Prevent Unknown Virus Attacts

    • Disable Zip and Self Extracting Files

    • Lock your own programs: You can also add any of your own programs for locking.

    • Password timer: You can set in seconds how long you want to give users to enter the password to access any locked programs. This can help deter hackers.

    • Screen blank: You can have the screen blank in emergencies, this prevents any use of the computer, and blacks out the screen only leaving a password box to access the entire system.

    • Additional Protection: This lets you lock even more features down on your PC. Such as the Desktop, My Computer, Internet Access, Internet Downloading, Software Installations and much more.

    • Stop people installing software: This is a must have for those of you who are sick of users installing software on your computers without your consent. With this feature just a simple click is all that's needed and the software will disable Setup programs, Installers, Self Extracting Exe's, Zip files, the lot.

    • Help prevent viruses: Using the above feature to stop software installs, this will help prevent such viruses that may be contained in program the user is trying to install.

    • Lock or Encrypt your Files and Folders: Two methods of protection are available, including strong encryption.



      الوقت/التاريخ الآن هو السبت أبريل 27, 2024 8:32 am